Department of Nutrition & Dietetics Sciences

Hellenic Mediterranean University

Doctoral (Ph.D.) studies

The Department of Nutrition and Dietetics offers independent doctoral studies, in accordance with Government Gazette 3435/Β/11-09-2019, providing graduates of Higher Education Institutions (Universities or TEIs) the opportunity to participate in a modern and dynamic 3rd Cycle Study Program.

The program aims to promote original scientific research and expand scientific knowledge in the fields of Nutrition and Dietetics, leading to the acquisition of a Doctoral Degree (Ph.D.). The minimum duration of study required for the awarding of the Doctoral Degree is three and a half (3.5) full calendar years from the date of appointment of the Three-Member Advisory Committee.

Calls for expressions of interest for Ph.D. Candidate positions are announced at regular intervals through the official website of the Department.

You can find the doctoral (Ph.D.) studies regulations of the Department of Nutrition and Dietetics in the attached Government Gazette.

Doctoral Studies Regulation of the Department of Nutrition and Dietetics
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