Department of Nutrition & Dietetics Sciences

Hellenic Mediterranean University

Practical Training

The Practical Training is an important part of the Department’s educational process, as it aims to directly link theoretical and laboratory studies with the professional field. The students of the Hellenic Mediterranean University – Department of Nutrition & Dietetics Sciences during their practice placement are inquired to develop several initiatives, to conduct self-assessments, and to develop collaboration skills with professionals on a daily basis in order to solve various interdisciplinary challenges. The students of the Department are required to carry out a four-month (4) clinical Practical Training during the final semester of their studies, as part of their education, in order to successfully complete the study program. Students carry their Practical Training either in public hospitals or at private Dietitian – Nutrition offices.

In addition to the clinical practice placement, the course: ‘Practice in community’ is part of the Department’s curriculum where students have the opportunity to face and apply the science of nutrition in the community.

Students eligible to submit an application to the Department’s Practical Training Committee are those who have successfully completed at least 2/3 of all courses in the study program (at least 160 ECTS) and all core courses in the Nutrition and Dietetics modules at the time of submission.

Students have the right to submit an application twice during the academic year, at the beginning of the winter and the spring semester.

The main objectives of the Practical Training are:

  • Networking and cooperation with the labor market,
  • the acquisition of experience related to the Dietitian-Nutritionist profession,
  • familiarization of students with the working environment where Nutrition services are provided,
  • the essential assimilation of scientific knowledge through the professional process of scientific practice,
  • the highlighting of the skills of the interns and the development of the professional conscience of a Dietitian,
  • the appropriate preparation of students for successful future professional integration.
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